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Choose the Best Yarn for Your Crochet Project! Read Our Guide Below!

Choosing yarn for a crochet project can be more complicated than choosing yarn for a knitting pattern, so we have created a guide to help you choose the right yarn for your crochet project. Read on to discover how you choose the best yarn for crochet, and how you can bring your project to a successful end.

What Is the First Thing I Should Look at When Choosing Crochet Yarn?

One of the first things to consider when looking at crochet yarn is the fibre type. When you just start out with crochet, there are several types of yarn you could consider - this includes wool, cotton, and acrylic yarn. Each of these types of yarn has its own benefits. Below, we have provided an overview of each type, accompanied by their benefits.

Wool Yarn

Wool is one of the most resilient types of yarn for beginners. It is also the advised choice for beginners, because wool is easy to unravel, which comes in handy when you make a mistake or two. Wool can also be reused, so you will immediately have a supply of wool if you want to tackle another project to hone your skills.

Cotton Yarn

If you suffer from a wool allergy, or simply want to try a bit more of a challenge for your crochet project, then you could try cotton yarn instead. Cotton yarn is an inelastic fibre, so it does not have as much give as wool yarn. It also makes it a little more difficult to crochet with cotton yarn.

Acrylic Yarn

One of the most popular types of crochet yarn for beginners is undoubtedly acrylic yarn. Acrylic yarn is easy to come by and can be obtained in a large variety of colours. However, acrylic yarn is a little more delicate than wool and cotton, which means it is less durable and strong. Still, it is a cost-effective way for beginners to get familiar with crochet.

What Is the Second Thing I Should Look at When Choosing Crochet Yarn?

While crochet yarn is an excellent choice for beginners, you could also consider something a little more advanced: crochet thread. Most beginners will start their crochet project with yarns, since they are more affordable and easier to work with. However, crochet thread enables you to create more intricate projects - this includes lace doilies, tablecloths, and more.

What Is the Third Thing I Should Look at When Choosing Crochet Yarn?

Crafters who do decide they will work with a yarn should also look at the weight of the yarn. Balls of yarn can come in variable thicknesses. To measure the thickness of the yarn, you must look at the weight - this is usually mentioned on the label of the yarn.

When you are a beginner, it is best to choose the so-called "worsted weight" yarn - this is the yarn with the number four on the label. The number four is medium weight, and durable enough for beginners who are just starting out with their crochet projects. While you could use a number three, this yarn weight is usually too thin for beginners just starting out with crochet. Beginners could also use a number five, but this type of yarn is a little harder to work with than the number four.

What Is the Fourth Thing I Should Look at When Choosing Crochet Yarn?

Before you can start on your project, you should also check the yarn texture. Even though this is less important than the thickness and fibre type, texture can still have an influence on how easy it is to work with.

When you start on your first project, there are certain textures you should try to avoid too - this includes eyelash yarns and novelty yarns. Even though these yarns are fun to work with for advanced crochet enthusiasts, they are less suitable for people who are just starting out with crochet.

Once you have the right yarn texture, you can also consider the colour you will be working with. When you just start out, it is best to choose a lighter colour yarn - this because it is difficult to see the stitches with a darker type of yarn.

What Types of Yarn Can I Find at Spotlight?

Spotlight offers all types of yarn - this includes different textures, weights, and colours. To determine the best type of yarn for your project, check out our entire catalogue of yarns and take full advantage of our amazing prices.

Do you have a question about yarn for your crochet projects? Or are you looking for a specific type of yarn, and need some help finding it? Do not hesitate to contact the Spotlight team for some assistance. You can contact us via telephone or email, but you could also stop by at one of the many Spotlight stores across Australia.



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