Rolls & Materials

From vinyl foil & adhesive vinyl to iron-on transfer paper & inserts, you're sure to find it here at Spotlight. Shop the range online or in-store now!

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Learn Everything About Working With Vinyl

There are countless projects that could require you to work with vinyl foil. If you have spotted this material for the first time in the Spotlight catalogue, but have no idea on how to use it, be sure to read through this amazing guide for more information.

What Is Holographic And Adhesive Vinyl Foil?

So, what is holographic and adhesive vinyl foil, which you can find throughout the Spotlight catalogue? Surprisingly, there is little difference between these two materials. Both materials have a slight reflective sheen, and both materials are made from vinyl. However, there is a big difference between these two crafting materials, as the colour variation is completely different.

The colour variation in a basic holographic vinyl foil is a lot less compared to adhesive foil. Obviously, this means that you can use holographic options for the subtler crafting projects that require a bit more blending, and adhesive options for the bolder projects.

How Do I Work With Holographic Vinyl Foil?

If you worked with standard vinyl before, you would have little trouble working with holographic vinyl. Holographic vinyl foil cuts in the same manner as your standard vinyl. That being said, there are some differences you must consider.

First and foremost, holographic vinyl foil is much thicker than standard vinyl foil. As a result, you can completely eliminate the use of tracing paper to put designs on your chosen crafting project.

Since holographic vinyl foil is somewhat thicker than the standard, you will find that it retains its shape much easier. So, when it comes down to the longevity of your crafting project, holographic vinyl foil provides many benefits.

For those who do decide to use tracing paper, be sure to have your handy scraper tool on hand. In some cases, it can be trickier to transfer because of the thickness of the material, but as long as you have the right accessories on hand, you should not have too much trouble.

How Do I Work With Adhesive Vinyl Foil?

Adhesive vinyl foil shares many similarities with holographic foil, as we earlier mentioned in the definition. In fact, working with adhesive vinyl foil is almost exactly the same as working with holographic vinyl foil.

So, why should you choose adhesive foil over holographic foil if they are exactly the same? Well, it is all about the end result and the look of that end result. Some people prefer the look of contemporary adhesive vinyl foil, while others prefer the elegance of adhesive vinyl foil.

When you choose between adhesive and holographic, it is often about choosing between different colours, designs and looks. So, your choice will not be based as much on technique and method, but on the overall look of the product and that is great!

Of course, in addition to your foil, you will need the required accessories and tools to bring your design or project to life. At Spotlight, you can also find a range of vinyl cutting machines, which can make the creation of those intricate designs a whole lot easier. If you do not have a vinyl cutting machine yet, be sure to check out the Spotlight collection, as we provide some of these machines at amazing prices.

Vinyl Crafting Supplies At Spotlight

Do you love incorporating all things vinyl in your crafting projects? Look no further than the stunning collection of vinyl crafting supplies at Spotlight. As briefly mentioned earlier, Spotlight provides a full range of vinyl crafting supplies as well as vinyl foils and lots more.

All crafting supplies, including the collection of vinyl foils, are offered at the sharpest prices at Spotlight. So, if you want a good deal on quality vinyl foil or anything else vinyl crafting related, be sure to check out the full crafting supplies collection at Spotlight.



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