Games & Puzzles

Games and puzzles are timeless entertainment no matter how old you get! Browse Spotlight’s collection of puzzles and boards games for kids and adults.

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The Best Games For Kids Lined Up At Spotlight

When you are stuck indoors and need to keep the kids entertained, you can count on Spotlight's games and puzzles collection to provide a solution. But which are the best games for the age range of your kids? Or maybe you are looking for a gift? The following guide on puzzles and games should provide you with all the answers you need.

What Kind Of Games Are Suitable For Pre-schoolers?

Most people find pre-school games difficult to find, and this is due to some misconceptions about the suitability of certain toys. However, if you keep one simple rule in mind, the selection of games and puzzles can become so much easier.

Size is everything when it comes down to puzzles and games for pre-schoolers. Try to avoid small parts as much as possible, but do not oversimplify things either. After all, a little complexity is bound to keep kids entertained and stops boredom from setting in.

What Are The Best Quiet Games?

This might be the favourite question of many parents, as they often wonder how to keep their kids entertained but quiet at the same time. While this is not always possible, there are some toys you could obtain to keep things a little quieter inside the house when you need it most.

Believe it or not, something as simple as wooden blocks and puzzles are the recommended choices for quiet activities. Wooden toys are also remarkably durable, which makes them more eco-friendly than the average plastic options. In addition to that, their durability means they can be used for years to come and even passed down to the next generation.

When you want to avoid too many noisy toys, stay away from games with sound effects or other noisy features. While having such a game is great to keep the kids entertained during the weekend or another day where you do not have to work, you should certainly supplement these toys with quieter options too.

What Are The Best Games For Children In Primary School?

Once your kids hit primary school, a whole new world will open in terms of games and puzzles. This can be quite exciting for the parents too, as you will be able to include more games and puzzles that are suitable for the entire family to enjoy.

At Spotlight, you can find numerous games and puzzles that are suitable for children in primary school. However, we also suggest taking a look at the activity kits that are available on the Spotlight website. Activity kits are great fun but are educational to boot! Nobody said learning something new has to be boring.

When it comes to games for children in primary school, it can be really tempting to immediately go to electronics. While electronics are a great way to enjoy some peace and quiet, it is a good idea to incorporate some other things as well. Adding some additional items can help children with their creativity, but also teaches them more about dimensions, trigonometry and even language development. In other words, choosing a variety of games and puzzles is to trick to keep the children entertained and learning at the same time.

The Stunning Selection Of Games And Puzzles At Spotlight

Spotlight provides a range of games and puzzles for children of all ages, which makes your shopping experience as a parent a whole lot more interesting. Of course, all of the puzzles and games in the Spotlight collection also have an affordable price. This way, you can buy as many as you need without having to break the bank. Check out the collection today and pick out some amazing puzzles and games for the kids.



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